On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 17:52:42 -0430, Gerardo Curiel wrote:

> * 05build_with_debian_jars: use the java libraries from /usr/share/java,
> and disable the 'unjarlib' target dependency from the 'jars' target.
> Instead of include the whole set of classes in the same jar, Jabref now
> use the libraries in the classpath to compile and run(see
> jabref-wrapper).

Integrated as 02_libs.dpatch (fits better in the order of patches
:)), the changes to unjarlib were missing in my last version.
> Additionaly, I've commented the 'jarbundler' target, It's a
> macosx-specific target, and uses the lib/jarbundler-1.4.jar(not in
> debian and useless), which makes ant unhappy if not present. 

That doesn't really work because the patches are not applied when
debian/rules clean target is called. I've been stumbling over this
issue already last weekend, and I'm not really sure what to do about
it; either ignore it (which means leaving lib/ around) or patching
build.xml directly (which is ugly) or ...?
> So you can repackage the upstream tarball and remove those jarfiles and
> make it DFSG-Free.

I'm not sure this is really necessary, the problem is not that the
jars are not free but that they are used by the build system. All we
would gain is a decrease in size of the .orig.tar.gz.
> * Moved jabref script to debian/ , renamed jabref-wrapper(as you already
> did in the trunk version) and add the needed jars to the Classpath. 

I've added the classpath line as proposed.
> * Added new Dependencies and Build-Dependencies to debian/control.
> Jabref still depends on both antlr and antlr3, and it just works using
> libjempbox-java (>= 0.2.0)

Depends: adjusted (B-D-I was already changed)
> * 06proposed_upstream_fix_ruleNestingLevel: Upstream still uses antlr3
> beta, the debian version is the stable one, this patch allows using the
> debian version. I've not tested extensively, but it works for me :).

Integrated as 05_antlr.dpatch; that was my "old" name but your patch
is much better than my first attempt!
I've reorganized my svn repository a bit, so that 2.3 is in trunk
again, and the new 2.4-beta is in branches/2.4:

Thanks again for your help!

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