On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 12:04:22PM +0200, Dirk Wetter wrote:
> Am 15.08.2008 11:21, Riku Voipio schrieb:
> >>mktemp /tmp/$0.$$.XXXXX 
> >
> >The problem here is that you are using too short template. Try:
> >
> The problem with that is that scripts with X>=6 are not portable
> to other Unices.

You seem to be under the iimpression that only Debian's mktemp behaves
this way and that mktemp is standard. See www.mktemp.org

Since mktemp is not standard, so the portabity argument is a bit moot.
The mktemp debian uses comes from openbsd. Another common implementation
comes from coreutils. The coreutils implemntation supports more
than 6>=X, so I guess there is some other implementation that for
some weird reason has that limit.

Whatever the case, you will need ifdef anyway to deal with
all the unixes that don't ship with mktemp.

> Ok, so it would be great if you could fix that.

Certainly, but I disagree with alarmist reporting. Previously
unknown security bugs should be reported over private mail to
either the security team or upstream authors directly.

"rm -rf" only sounds scary if you don't have backups

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