
So actually the postinst already does a chown -R on $CONFDIR. I think
the problem is that you upgraded your BitlBee, then reconnected to the
new version. The old version (still running as root) then saved it
settings, and there it broke. :-/

Unfortunately there's little the BitlBee package can do about this.
Setting the setuid bit on a directory doesn't have any effects (and
would be a bit odd anyway), so I guess this has to be the price of
running testing/sid.

I'll make the init script do a quick find + chown, hoping that people
who get this problem will restart the BitlBee daemon, hoping that the
problem will go away.

Wilmer van der Gaast.

+-------- .''`.     - -- ---+  +        - -- --- ---- ----- ------+
| wilmer : :'  :  gaast.net |  | OSS Programmer   www.bitlbee.org |
| lintux `. `~'  debian.org |  | Full-time geek  wilmer.gaast.net |
+--- -- -  ` ---------------+  +------ ----- ---- --- -- -        +

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