El mar, 02-09-2008 a las 22:59 +0200, Andreas Barth escribió:
> Package: squeak-vm
> Version: 3.10.3+svn1902.dfsg
> Severity: serious
> Hi,
> the file platforms/unix/src/vm/interp.c starts with:
> /* Automatically generated from Squeak on an Array(9 May 2008 11:24:03 am)
> by VMMaker 3.8b6 [...]
> However, I cannot identify the source file for that file.

"This" is the source file. Squeak people uses a Squeak image to store
the virtual machine sources, as any other people can use svn o cvs. That
message only means that the text file has been generated that way, but
that file is the only and real source file to be compiled.

>  Also,
> debian/copyright doesn't contain any hint how this file is generated.

At debian/copyright you can read:

All other source files below platforms/unix in this distribution that do
contain individual copyright and license notices are:

  Copyright (C) 1996-2006 by Ian Piumarta and other authors/contributors
                             listed in individual source files.

  All rights reserved.

For all of the above files:"

and then a BSD like license is written. 

> So I think this packages fails the DFSG, and cannot be part of main in
> it's current version (and fails also the release policy, which makes the
> bug serious).

I hope my informations have cleared it for you. If not, please tell me,
and I will try to explain it better. Squeak is a very different piece of
software from what people is used to see and I do know that its way of
working is not easy to explain and understand.


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