Package: etoken
Severity: serious
Version: 0.3.9-5

I have recently been contacted by etoken's upstream author (seem ail below)
and he recommends this package is removed.

From upstream's page:

"This project is dead. While old copies are still available via sourceforge
file archive, the software has many known bugs and should not be used.

Instead you can use the (closed source) software provided by Aladdin itself.

Or you can migrate to OpenCT a new open source software for linux/*ix to use
usb crypto tokens such as the Aladdin eToken PRO as well as many alternatives
and smart card readers. "

I have asked ftp masters to remove the package but I'm bugging the package at
the same time so release managers remove it from the next release.



----- Forwarded message from Andreas Jellinghaus <> -----

From: Andreas Jellinghaus <>
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2009 20:05:30 +0100
        Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Pen~a <>
Subject: please remove etoken before release
User-Agent: KMail/1.10.3 (Linux/2.6.27-11-generic; KDE/4.1.3; x86_64; ; )

Hi guys,

debian still includes a software called "etoken".
that software is buggy, does not work properly (or at all?) and
trying to use it can damage your hardware.

so please be so kind and remove it?

I'm the author of it, and I replaced it with some new open source project
about 7 years ago, and even that one got replaced many years ago
with another open source project: openct. part of debian for ages and
working well.

For reference: in debian the source is called "etoken", the binary
is called "libetoken", and the upstream web page is

Thanks, Andreas

----- End forwarded message -----

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