tag 518745 +patch

Attached a simple patch to the upstream Makefile.

1. The output of 

  gimptool-2.0 --dry-run --install-admin-bin Makefile

is now:

  cp Makefile /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins

which required a different sed command.

2. DESTDIR was not applied to that output. Should it have been?

$ DESTDIR=$PWD gimptool-2.0 --dry-run --install-admin-bin Makefile
cp Makefile /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins
$ gimptool-2.0 --dry-run --install-admin-bin Makefile
cp Makefile /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins

The patch adds it "manually", but I wonder if it should not be added by
gimptool-2.0 .

libgimp2.0-dev: ver. 2.6.7-1

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzaf...@jabber.org | VIM is
http://tzafrir.org.il |                    | a Mutt's
tzaf...@cohens.org.il |                    |  best
ICQ# 16849754         |                    | friend
diff -ur orig/Makefile cbmplugs-1.2.1/Makefile
--- orig/Makefile	2009-08-22 22:54:29.000000000 +0300
+++ cbmplugs-1.2.1/Makefile	2009-08-22 23:04:23.000000000 +0300
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
 # Use Makefile as plugin to install, to be sure the file exists
-	$$($(GIMPTOOL) --dry-run $(GIMP_INSTALL_BIN) Makefile | \
-	tail -n 1 | sed -e 's/.* \(.*\)\/Makefile/\1/')
+	$(DESTDIR)$$($(GIMPTOOL) --dry-run $(GIMP_INSTALL_BIN) Makefile | \
+	tail -n 1 | sed -e 's|^[^/]*/|/|')
 AM_CFLAGS += `$(GIMPTOOL) --cflags-noui`
 # AM_CFLAGS += -Werror

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