On Mon, 2009-10-26 at 11:28 +0300, Alexandra N. Kossovsky wrote:
> I've got a problem with libnss-ldpad package.  In my environment, any
> (non-root) local user can break normal work of any other user.
> The problem is, nss-ldapd makes strange things with case of uids. For
> example:
> bash$ id
> uid=NNN(sasha) gid=ZZZ(zzz) groups=...
> bash$ id SasHa
> uid=NNN(SasHa) gid=ZZZ(zzz) groups=...
> bash$ id
> uid=NNN(SasHa) gid=ZZZ(zzz) groups=...
> bash$ id sasha
> uid=NNN(SasHa) gid=ZZZ(zzz) groups=...
> bash$ id
> uid=NNN(SasHa) gid=ZZZ(zzz) groups=...
> So, nss now thinks that I'm SasHa, not sasha. As a result, when I run
> "ssh otherhost" it does not work (just because pam can't authorise
> SasHa, it knows only sasha).  In the same way, all other Kerberos
> services stop working for me.

The problem is actually more in nscd in that it does not handle cases
elegantly where username -> uid lookups result in the same uid for
different usernames (it caches information from the forward lookup for
the reverse lookup).

Btw, the same issue is also in nss_ldap and in probably more naming
services that are case-insensitive.

> Looking on changelog, I see this problem fixed in version 0.6.11:
> Changes: This release fixes a couple of bugs in the username to group
> mapping and a problem with too many uidNumber or uidNumber attributes
> in the LDAP server. Name lookups are now also case-sensitive for
> group, netgroup, passwd, protocols, RPC, services, and shadow maps.
> I've tried libnss-ldapd=0.7.1 (sources from sid, compiled on lenny) and
> it works perfectly.  It will be nice to get this problem fixed in the
> next stable update.

The change can be found here:
but I haven't yet checked whether it can be applied to 0.6.7 cleanly. I
don't think I've seen any regressions due to that change (I'll have to
check more thoroughly though).

I will ask the stable release team their opinion on whether this
qualifies for an update in a point release.

Thanks for using nss-ldapd.

-- arthur - adej...@debian.org - http://people.debian.org/~adejong --

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