tag 546221 + patch

Hi Niko and hi Serge

I picked a patch from upstream's svn and now libxray-absorption-perl
builds fine. The patch is attached. I can prepare a NMU if Serge
agrees and have not mucht time. Please let me know.

Description: Use Test::More and prevent FTBFS with newer Test::Harness
Origin: upstream (diff -r51:52).
Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/546221
Forwarded: no
--- a/t/elam.t
+++ b/t/elam.t
@@ -1,105 +1,30 @@
 #! /usr/bin/perl -w
-# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
-# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl test.pl'
-######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
-# Change 1..1 below to 1..last_test_to_print .
-# (It may become useful if the test is moved to ./t subdirectory.)
+#! /usr/bin/perl -w
-BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..15$/"; }
-END {print "not ok 1$/" unless $loaded;}
+use Test::More tests => 14;
 use Xray::Absorption;
-$loaded = 1;
-print "ok 1$/";
-######################### End of black magic.
-# Insert your test code below (better if it prints "ok 13"
-# (correspondingly "not ok 13") depending on the success of chunk 13
-# of the test code):
-$epsilon = 0.0001;
+my $epsilon = 0.0001;
 Xray::Absorption -> load("elam");
-#print Xray::Absorption -> current_resource, $/;
-if (Xray::Absorption -> current_resource =~ /elam/i) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (Xray::Absorption -> in_resource("dy")) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
+ok( Xray::Absorption -> current_resource =~ m{elam}i,       "loaded resource");
+ok( Xray::Absorption -> in_resource("dy"),                      "found element Dy");
 ## fetch material properties
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_atomic_weight("dy") - 162.510) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_density("dy") - 8.536) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_conversion("dy") - 269.8) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_atomic_weight("dy") - 162.510) < $epsilon,   "atomic weight");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_density("dy")       - 8.536)   < $epsilon,   "density");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_conversion("dy")    - 269.8)   < $epsilon,   "conversion");
 ## fetch edge energies
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "k") - 53789) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l1") - 9046) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l2") - 8581) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l3") - 7790) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "m1") - 2047) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "k")  - 53789) < $epsilon,     "K edge");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l1") - 9046)  < $epsilon,     "L1 edge");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l2") - 8581)  < $epsilon,     "L2 edge");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l3") - 7790)  < $epsilon,     "L3 edge");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "m1") - 2047)  < $epsilon,     "M1 edge");
 ## fetch fluorescence lines
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "kalpha") - 45772.309978) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "kbeta") - 52166.8201163) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "lalpha") - 6494.569735) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "lbeta") - 7354.310914) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "kalpha") - 45772.309978 )  < $epsilon,  "Kalpha");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "kbeta" ) - 52166.8201163 ) < $epsilon,  "Kbeta");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "lalpha") - 6494.569735)    < $epsilon,  "Lalpha");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "lbeta")  - 7354.310914)    < $epsilon,  "Lbeta");
--- a/t/chantler.t
+++ b/t/chantler.t
@@ -1,105 +1,28 @@
 #! /usr/bin/perl -w
-# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
-# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl test.pl'
-######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
-# Change 1..1 below to 1..last_test_to_print .
-# (It may become useful if the test is moved to ./t subdirectory.)
-BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..15$/"; }
-END {print "not ok 1$/" unless $loaded;}
+use Test::More tests => 14;
 use Xray::Absorption;
-$loaded = 1;
-print "ok 1$/";
-######################### End of black magic.
-# Insert your test code below (better if it prints "ok 13"
-# (correspondingly "not ok 13") depending on the success of chunk 13
-# of the test code):
-$epsilon = 0.0001;
+my $epsilon = 0.0001;
 Xray::Absorption -> load("chantler");
-if (Xray::Absorption -> current_resource =~ /chantler/i) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (Xray::Absorption -> in_resource("dy")) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
+ok( Xray::Absorption -> current_resource =~ m{chantler}i,       "loaded resource");
+ok( Xray::Absorption -> in_resource("dy"),                      "found element Dy");
 ## fetch material properties
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_atomic_weight("dy") - 162.510) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_density("dy") - 8.536) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_conversion("dy") - 269.8) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_atomic_weight("dy") - 162.510) < $epsilon,   "atomic weight");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_density("dy")       - 8.536)   < $epsilon,   "density");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_conversion("dy")    - 269.8)   < $epsilon,   "conversion");
 ## fetch edge energies
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "k") - 53788.5) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l1") - 9045.8) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l2") - 8580.6) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l3") - 7790.1) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "m1") - 2046.8) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "k") - 53788.5) < $epsilon,     "K edge");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l1") - 9045.8) < $epsilon,     "L1 edge");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l2") - 8580.6) < $epsilon,     "L2 edge");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l3") - 7790.1) < $epsilon,     "L3 edge");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "m1") - 2046.8) < $epsilon,     "M1 edge");
 ## fetch fluorescence lines
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "kalpha") - 45985) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "kbeta") - 52178) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "lalpha") - 6495.2) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "lbeta") - 7247.7) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "kalpha") - 45985 ) < $epsilon,  "Kalpha");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "kbeta" ) - 52178 ) < $epsilon,  "Kbeta");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "lalpha") - 6495.2) < $epsilon,  "Lalpha");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "lbeta")  - 7247.7) < $epsilon,  "Lbeta");
--- a/t/shaltout.t
+++ b/t/shaltout.t
@@ -1,90 +1,24 @@
 #! /usr/bin/perl -w
-# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
-# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl test.pl'
-######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
-# Change 1..1 below to 1..last_test_to_print .
-# (It may become useful if the test is moved to ./t subdirectory.)
+#! /usr/bin/perl -w
-BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..11$/"; }
-END {print "not ok 1$/" unless $loaded;}
+use Test::More tests => 10;
 use Xray::Absorption;
-$loaded = 1;
-print "ok ", $i++, $/;
-######################### End of black magic.
-# Insert your test code below (better if it prints "ok 13"
-# (correspondingly "not ok 13") depending on the success of chunk 13
-# of the test code):
-$epsilon = 0.0001;
+my $epsilon = 0.0001;
 Xray::Absorption -> load("shaltout");
-if (Xray::Absorption -> current_resource =~ /shaltout/i) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (Xray::Absorption -> in_resource("dy")) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
+ok( Xray::Absorption -> current_resource =~ m{shaltout}i,       "loaded resource");
+ok( Xray::Absorption -> in_resource("dy"),                      "found element Dy");
 ## fetch material properties
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_atomic_weight("dy") - 162.510) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_density("dy") - 8.536) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_conversion("dy") - 269.8) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_atomic_weight("dy") - 162.510) < $epsilon,   "atomic weight");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_density("dy")       - 8.536)   < $epsilon,   "density");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_conversion("dy")    - 269.8)   < $epsilon,   "conversion");
 ## fetch edge energies
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "k") - 53789) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l1") - 9047) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l2") - 8581) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l3") - 7790) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "m1") - 2046) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-# if (Xray::Absorption -> data_available("dy", "l3")) {
-#   print "Dy L3 exists\n";
-# } else {
-#   print "Dy L3 does not exist\n";
-# };
-##print ">> ", join("|", Xray::Absorption -> next_energy("fe", "k", "ho", "er", "fe", "o")), $/;
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "k") - 53789) < $epsilon,     "K edge");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l1") - 9047) < $epsilon,     "L1 edge");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l2") - 8581) < $epsilon,     "L2 edge");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l3") - 7790) < $epsilon,     "L3 edge");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "m1") - 2046) < $epsilon,     "M1 edge");
--- a/t/fluo.t
+++ b/t/fluo.t
@@ -1,34 +1,13 @@
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use Test::More tests => 4;
 use Xray::FluorescenceEXAFS;
-BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..5$/"; }
-END {print "not ok 1$/" unless $loaded;}
-$loaded = 1;
-$i = 0;
-print "ok ", ++$i, $/;
 my $contents = {Y=>1, Ba=>2, Cu=>3, O=>7};
-if (abs(0.000463 - Xray::FluorescenceEXAFS->mcmaster("Cu", "K")) < .00001) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(0.0006166 - Xray::FluorescenceEXAFS->i0("Cu", "K", {nitrogen=>0.5})) < 0.000001) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
+ok( abs(0.000463  - Xray::FluorescenceEXAFS->mcmaster("Cu", "K"))            < .00001,   "mcmaster correction");
+ok( abs(0.0006166 - Xray::FluorescenceEXAFS->i0("Cu", "K", {nitrogen=>0.5})) < 0.000001, "i0 correction");
 my @list = Xray::FluorescenceEXAFS->self("Cu", "K", $contents);
-if (abs(1.28 - $list[0]) < 0.01) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(0.0000573 - $list[1]) < 0.00001) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
+ok( abs(1.28      - $list[0]) < 0.01,    "self absorption, amplitude");
+ok( abs(0.0000573 - $list[1]) < 0.00001, "self absorption, sigma^2");
--- a/t/henke.t
+++ b/t/henke.t
@@ -1,105 +1,30 @@
 #! /usr/bin/perl -w
-# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
-# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl test.pl'
-######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
-# Change 1..1 below to 1..last_test_to_print .
-# (It may become useful if the test is moved to ./t subdirectory.)
+#! /usr/bin/perl -w
-BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..15$/"; }
-END {print "not ok 1$/" unless $loaded;}
+use Test::More tests => 14;
 use Xray::Absorption;
-$loaded = 1;
-print "ok 1$/";
-######################### End of black magic.
-# Insert your test code below (better if it prints "ok 13"
-# (correspondingly "not ok 13") depending on the success of chunk 13
-# of the test code):
-$epsilon = 0.0001;
+my $epsilon = 0.0001;
 Xray::Absorption -> load("henke");
-if (Xray::Absorption -> current_resource =~ /henke/i) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (Xray::Absorption -> in_resource("dy")) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
+ok( Xray::Absorption -> current_resource =~ m{henke}i,       "loaded resource");
+ok( Xray::Absorption -> in_resource("dy"),                      "found element Dy");
 ## fetch material properties
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_atomic_weight("dy") - 162.510) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_density("dy") - 8.536) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_conversion("dy") - 269.8) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_atomic_weight("dy") - 162.510) < $epsilon,   "atomic weight");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_density("dy")       - 8.536)   < $epsilon,   "density");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_conversion("dy")    - 269.8)   < $epsilon,   "conversion");
 ## fetch edge energies
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "k") - 53788.5) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l1") - 9045.8) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l2") - 8580.6) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l3") - 7790.1) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "m1") - 2046.8) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "k") - 53788.5) < $epsilon,     "K edge");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l1") - 9045.8) < $epsilon,     "L1 edge");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l2") - 8580.6) < $epsilon,     "L2 edge");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l3") - 7790.1) < $epsilon,     "L3 edge");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "m1") - 2046.8) < $epsilon,     "M1 edge");
 ## fetch fluorescence lines
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "kalpha") - 45985) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "kbeta") - 52178) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "lalpha") - 6495.2) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "lbeta") - 7247.7) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "kalpha") - 45985 ) < $epsilon,  "Kalpha");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "kbeta" ) - 52178 ) < $epsilon,  "Kbeta");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "lalpha") - 6495.2) < $epsilon,  "Lalpha");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "lbeta")  - 7247.7) < $epsilon,  "Lbeta");
--- a/t/mcmaster.t
+++ b/t/mcmaster.t
@@ -1,144 +1,30 @@
 #! /usr/bin/perl -w
-# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
-# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl test.pl'
-######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
-# Change 1..1 below to 1..last_test_to_print .
-# (It may become useful if the test is moved to ./t subdirectory.)
+#! /usr/bin/perl -w
-BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..15$/"; }
-END {print "not ok 1$/" unless $loaded;}
+use Test::More tests => 14;
 use Xray::Absorption;
-$loaded = 1;
-print "ok 1$/";
-######################### End of black magic.
-# Insert your test code below (better if it prints "ok 13"
-# (correspondingly "not ok 13") depending on the success of chunk 13
-# of the test code):
-$epsilon = 0.0001;
+my $epsilon = 0.0001;
 Xray::Absorption -> load("mcmaster");
-if (Xray::Absorption -> current_resource =~ /mcmaster/i) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (Xray::Absorption -> in_resource("dy")) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
+ok( Xray::Absorption -> current_resource =~ m{mcmaster}i,       "loaded resource");
+ok( Xray::Absorption -> in_resource("dy"),                      "found element Dy");
 ## fetch material properties
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_atomic_weight("dy") - 162.510) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_density("dy") - 8.536) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_conversion("dy") - 269.8) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_atomic_weight("dy") - 162.510) < $epsilon,   "atomic weight");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_density("dy")       - 8.536)   < $epsilon,   "density");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_conversion("dy")    - 269.8)   < $epsilon,   "conversion");
 ## fetch edge energies
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "k") - 53789) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l1") - 9047) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l2") - 8581) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l3") - 7790) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "m1") - 2046) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "k") - 53789) < $epsilon,     "K edge");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l1") - 9047) < $epsilon,     "L1 edge");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l2") - 8581) < $epsilon,     "L2 edge");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "l3") - 7790) < $epsilon,     "L3 edge");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "m1") - 2046) < $epsilon,     "M1 edge");
 ## fetch fluorescence lines
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "kalpha") - 45985) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "kbeta") - 52178) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "lalpha") - 6495.2) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-if (abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "lbeta") - 7247.7) < $epsilon ) {
-  print "ok ", ++$i, $/
-} else {
-  print "not ok ", ++$i, $/
-## 'a_k' => [
-##            '0.114845e+02',
-##            '  0.210451e+01',
-##            ' -0.989870e+00',
-##            '  0.669382e-01'
-##          ],
-## 'a_l' => [
-##            '0.173446e+02',
-##            ' -0.254821e+01',
-##            ' -0.317606e-01',
-##            '  0.000000e+00'
-##          ],
-## 'a_m' => [
-##            '0.159225e+02',
-##            ' -0.265289e+01',
-##            '  0.000000e+00',
-##            '  0.000000e+00'
-##          ],
-## 'a_n' => [
-##            '0.159225e+02',
-##            ' -0.265289e+01',
-##            '  0.000000e+00',
-##            '  0.000000e+00'
-##          ],
-## 'incoherent' => [
-##                   '0.242685e+00',
-##                   '  0.146266e+01',
-##                   ' -0.189102e+00',
-##                   '  0.385628e-02'
-##                 ],
-## 'coherent' => [
-##                 '0.774188e+01',
-##                 '  0.367107e+00',
-##                 ' -0.349433e+00',
-##                 '  0.166273e-01'
-##               ],
-## 'ljump_3' => '  0.904700e+01'
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "kalpha") - 45985 ) < $epsilon,  "Kalpha");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "kbeta" ) - 52178 ) < $epsilon,  "Kbeta");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "lalpha") - 6495.2) < $epsilon,  "Lalpha");
+ok( abs(Xray::Absorption -> get_energy("dy", "lbeta")  - 7247.7) < $epsilon,  "Lbeta");

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