reassign 323399 libc6 

the segfault is fully reproducible with the attached test case on ppc.
the program crashes on the first call of semctl, and exits successfully
when commenting it out.

bye, piem
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>

int main()
  int arg, semid;
  key_t sem_key = 100;

  /* create semaphore */
  if ( ( semid = semget( sem_key,1,IPC_CREAT) ) < 0 )
    return -1;

  /* set initial values */
  arg = 1;
  if ( semctl( semid,0,SETVAL,arg ) < 0 )
    return -1;

  /* delete semaphore */
  arg = 0;
  if ( semctl( semid,0,IPC_RMID,arg ) < 0 )
    return -1;

  return 0; 

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