Dear readers,

Charles has an excellent point. I am now experimenting along his
suggestion by installing 'html/{index,main}.html' into


and also installing an alias definition

     # /etc/apache2/conf.d/doc-central.apache2
     Alias /dc /usr/share/doc-central/www
     <Location /dc>
       Options None
       Order deny,allow
       Deny from all
       Accept from ::1

This of course works well. However, I am not convinced one should
let Doc-central restart Apache; a reload is not enough. The sight
administrator should accept this responsibility.

What about other web servers? Lighttpd, Cherokee, Boa, Thttpd,
Nginx, and so on. I have experience with Lighttpd and Thttpd,
but for them I do not see a solution as simple as dropping an
alias definition. Comments?

Mats Erik Andersson,
Uppsala, Sweden

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