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On Friday 22 January 2010 12:19:56 Dave Beckett wrote:
> > Your package builds a PHP extension but doesn't depend on phpapi-*.
> > This is incorrect and will break it on PHP transitions, such as the
> > soon-to-come PHP 5.3 transition.
> Why is it incorrect and where was this announced and documented?  You
> should have filed a wishlist or lower priority bug well in advance of
> rushing to do a 1-day NMU.

Why: because otherwise a php version with a different abi will migrate to 
testing, break your extension and only users will be able to tell because your 
extension will no longer be loaded.
When and where: there's no finished webapps policy, but you can see that the 
vast majority of php extensions do correctly depend on it.

> It's not clear what you propose to change (so therefore I cannot do it
> myself) but if it is just debian/rules and debian/control, go ahead with
> the NMU.

If you would at least take a look at any php extension package...
$ apt-cache show php5-remctl | grep Depends
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.1.3), libremctl1 (>= 2.10), phpapi-20060613+lfs

$ apt-cache show php5-imagick | grep Depends
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.6-6~), [...], phpapi-20060613+lfs, ucf

and so on. The change is exactly what I said on my original email, just make 
debian/rules generate a substvar that will lead to the binary package depend 
on phpapi-$(php-config5 --phpapi .)

Raphael Geissert - Debian Developer
www.debian.org - get.debian.net

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