On March 8, 2010 at 9:36PM +0900,
m-kasahr (at sra.co.jp) wrote:

>> As you guess, EB Library 4.4.2 sets a wrong shared library version.
>> 15:0:2 is specified in configure.ac, but the correct version is
>> 15:0:0. Thank you for the bug report.
>> I'll release EB Library 4.4.3 to fix the bug.
>> (Its shared library version should be 16:0:0.)
> I released EB Library 4.4.3.
>     ftp://ftp.sra.co.jp/pub/misc/eb/eb-4.4.3.tar.bz2

Thank you.

I'll consider the new upstream version after the `squeeze' release.

For the `squeeze' release, I keep the libeb.so.13 version.
(libeb.so.13.2.0 was reverted to libeb.so.13.1.0)

Tatsuya Kinoshita

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