Am Dienstag, den 23.11.2010, 12:08 +0100 schrieb k k:
> Hi, Alexander Kurtz
> I Just installed proprietary STA driver it works but not as good as the b43,
> it disconnects me.
> I'll reinstall my system and try out the latest kernel.
> Thank u!

You don't have to reinstall, you can just add

        deb experimental main

to your /etc/apt/sources.list and then execute this:

        apt-get update
        apt-get -t experimental install linux-image-2.6.36-trunk-686

If your system is currently unable to boot, you can try adding "nolapic"
and/or "acpi=off" to the kernel parameters when booting. This will
deactivate your wifi. This is a valid workaround, but no longtime
solution since this breaks (amongst others) SMP.

Best regards

Alexander Kurtz

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