On 08.12.2010 01:32, Joey Hess wrote:

> But even if that is the case, this still stands:
> a. Would you really want laptops' wireless interfaces to be
>    managed by ifupdown on a system with network-manager, by default?

No, but as I already mentioned imho this can only be handled half way sane in
d-i to not write out any /e/n/i configuration in the first place if
network-manager is being installed.
How would you know the configuration is from d-i and not manually added by the
How would you handle the case where ifupdown is indeed used to configure the
wireless interface and there is no configuration for network-manager?

Commenting out the /e/n/i configuration then would kill the network connection,
which would be RC too.
Before commenting out anything in /e/n/i I need to be sure NM will be able to
bring up the device. This is really only possible to say for a interface
configuration with dhcp and nothing else.

So in a case like this I'd leave the decision to the administrator to the
system. If he wants nm to manage the interface he can do so by commenting
out/removing the configuration from /e/n/i.

That's the only safe choice I see right now.

I'm open though to a solution which addresses the above questions.

> b. squeeze is heavily frozen, and it is far, far to late in the release
>    cycle to be making big changes to either d-i or network-manager.

I know that, but I don't know what you want to imply with that or what you want
me to reply on that.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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