From what I can see, there are two bugs here.  The first one is that the
package doesn't work with gold because some of the binaries don't link
against libcrypto.  Fixing this requires delving into the autotools.

The other issue is that the package FTBFS with /bin/sh as dash.  If I
change it instead to use bash for /bin/sh, it builds fine until it
encounters the first bug.  It appears that something (libtool, it looks
like) is trying to use +=, which is available in bash, but not dash.
#621743 may be helpful.

Please take care of these as soon as possible, since this FTBFS prevents
net-snmp from being rebuilt for the Perl 5.12 transition and net-snmp is
a dependency of many packages.

brian m. carlson / brian with sandals: Houston, Texas, US
+1 832 623 2791 | | My opinion only
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