Hi Sils,

Thank you for debugging this issue further and discovering the
additional problem with form_action_self().

On Mon, 2011-09-05 at 15:14 +0200, sils wrote:
> The XSS injection is continued producing, because of the function
> "form_action_self". This function is used to generate a form action
> value when forms are designed to be submitted to the same url.

Agreed, good catch. I just grepped the source code and am troubled to
find PHP_SELF used in most of the libraries MantisBT 1.2.x depends upon:
JpGraph, NuSOAP and ADOdb. From my experience with these codebases I can
almost guarantee they will have issues with PHP_SELF usage. I'll have to
take a look at these in the following days to confirm.

> This function return:  basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);

In this case, use of PHP_SELF is not really necessary because we're only
after the basename component (view_all_bugs.php, bug_report_page.php,
etc). While it's possible that users have setup rewrite rules within
their HTTP daemon to remap file names, this is an unlikely scenario and
is probably already broken with the use PHP_SELF.

> a) remove the form_action_self() from all pages

I think this would be hard to achieve because we'd have to change some
APIs within MantisBT 1.2.x (potentially breaking plugins) to pass
through form names.

> b) change the form_action_self() in core/form_api.php

This strikes me as being the easiest and safest approach (not breaking
anything else) for the 1.2.x branch.

I've created and committed a patch [1] that swaps PHP_SELF for
SCRIPT_NAME in this function. I've also gone through and applied proper
escaping to URLs in the action attribute where we use the return value
of form_action_self().

> I hope, this could help, and we wait for your reply, because we don't
> want to spare much time with a open CVE issue in the package.

Agreed. Thank you very much for your help with these vulnerabilities.

Please let me know if I can be on any further assistance. Hopefully we
have all the patches needed in the master-1.2.x tree to resolve all
known outstanding vulnerabilities.




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