I have changed the severity to grave since this problem
completely disables printing via cups.

I tried purging and then reinstalling the packages:
ghostscript-cups  and

Using the localhost web admin page, there are no printers installed
as expected. Trying to create a printer, cups reports that it can find
no printer drivers! This despite cups-drivers-gutenprint being installed
and claiming to support the Brother-HL-1250 which was the target.

ISTR that before I could select my printer model from a list. Now it
looks as if that is somehow autodetected (which is presumably failing),
unless the abscence of the list is just another manifestation of the bug or

lpinfo -m is most unhelpful:

# lpinfo -m
lpinfo: Unknown

I have attached a file of the output of lpinfo -m running under strace

Attachment: r.txt.gz
Description: Binary data

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