Am 26.10.2011 08:42, schrieb
> Hi Michael,
> thank you for the report,
> I'm would like to port gnomeradio to GTK3, but in this moment I don't know
> if I can (not sure about my spare time to dedicate to it).
> Let me take a look to the code, to have a right idea of the work, next
> week I take a decision.

Apparently Fedora has already done the porting to GTK 3 and
libgnome-media-profiles 3. So if you want to keep the package, it might
be as simple cherry-picking the patches from [1].

Would be great if you can take a look as soon as possible as we want to
progress with the GNOME 3 transition, so if we didn't have to wait for
another week, that would be great.



Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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