Dear Alexander,

you are right. I missed to change the sample rc file which becomes the default 
one after installation.

> $ multicd -h
> Unknown option: 'cdrecord'.  Check your /etc/multicdrc file.
> Invalid configuration.  Check /etc/multicdrc, /home/are/.multicdrc, or
> command line options.  Exiting...

> And indeed, we have:
> $ grep cdrecord /etc/multicdrc
> # This is how cdrecord should be run.  multicd will append the name of
> # the image file to burn to the end.  Any output cdrecord produces is
> cdrecord = cdrecord -v blank=fast speed=4 dev=0,0,0 -data
> # cd_done = cdrecord dev=0,0,0 -eject
> (I guess that's sample_multicdrc in the upstream tarball, but haven't 
> checked.)
> However, changing that entry to "cdrecord = wodim -v blank=fast speed=4 
> dev=0,0,0 -data" doesn't solve the problem, but I have no idea why.

All occurences of cdrecord had to be replaced.

Best regards,
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