Am 01.06.2012 09:02, schrieb Holger Levsen:

> whats the status of this bug?

> ./typo3/contrib/swfupload/swfupload.swf

Has been moved to its own package libjs-swfupload, its removed from
this package during get-orig-source.

> ./typo3/contrib/extjs/resources/charts.swf

it gets removed from this package during get-orig-source since
4.5.16+dfsg2. Its part if libjs-extjs, but the package in debian
ist very old. We do not need this file, so its deleted.

> ./typo3/contrib/flashmedia/flvplayer.swf
> ./typo3/contrib/flashmedia/player.swf

These are ActionScript 1 SWFs that cannot compiled in debian because
of missing AS1 compiler. Source code is included in source package.

> ./typo3/contrib/flashmedia/swfobject/expressInstall.swf
> ./typo3/contrib/extjs/resources/expressinstall.swf

Moved to own package libjs-swfobject, removed during get-orig-source.

> ./typo3/contrib/websvg/svg.swf

This is AS3, but as3compile cannot compile it because of missing
features in as3compile. Source code is included in source package.

 MfG, Christian Welzel

  GPG-Key:     pub 4096R/5117E119 2011-09-19
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