Am 05.07.2012 19:25, schrieb Yaroslav Halchenko:

On Tue, 03 Jul 2012, Barry Warsaw wrote:
We can easily link bugs in Launchpad to the related bug in Debian, but that's
about it.

N.B. Ideally, I am as a user report bugs in Debian using reportbug, and then
the mighty Maintainer either fixes them himself or forwards upstream
(i.e. LP).  Who am I to steal the pleasure of maintainership duties away from
him ? ;) and as you kindly pointed out -- it might not be a bug of


so, is it or is it not, Dear Maintainer? ;)

If you think a bug results from python-mode.el, best is IMO reporting
it at also

From there it's easy indeed linking it to the orignal ticket.

Sure, may report it for you as done with lp:1020412

However, as it lists me as the reporter than, some info was lost.
Usually the name of the reporter signales the kind of (open) bug for me already.
It's faster than reading the larger title.

ATM I simply can't use python-mode productively.  Any interactive
ipython shell becomes a pain

Sorry about that. Being aware, something remains TBD with IPython-shell 
Patches welcome.


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