On 21/07/12 04:32, intrigeri wrote:
> hi,
> Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez wrote (21 Jul 2012 02:08:33 GMT) :
>> This patches were already reviewed by upstream [1] and will be
>> committed to the aircrack-ng repository ASAP.
> Looks good! :)
> There are minor differences (in changes to src/Makefile) with the
> patch submitted upstream, though. Will these differences subsist, in
> the form of a Debian-specific patch, once the patch submitted upstream
> is part of a future upstream release?

No, this differences are not Debian specific.

This differences are because the patch submitted to upstream is rebased
to the last svn version meanwhile the patch on the Debian package is for
the stable version 1.1

(In the last svn version there is a new binary besside-ng, that uses
some functions of crypto.c so sha1-git needs to be part of the linking
process otherwise gcc will complain)

On the other hand, given that there is not need anymore for keeping the
debdiff small, I would probably seize this to add a new patch with the
part 2 of the patch submitted to upstream (the unittests) into the
package to double-ensure that all works as expected.

>>> Also, debian/copyright lacks information about src/sha1-git.c.
>> because src/sha1-git.c is not part of the upstream tarball. This file is
>> part of the patch debian/patches/011-add-support-for-gcrypt.diff
>> Anyway I will be adding specific copyrights on debian/copyright for the
>> patches of debian/patches
> Great. Be the file part of the upstream tarball or added by a patch,
> mentioning its copyright information in debian/copyright is not
> optional, regardless of what must be put into the Files: field.

Didn't know this. What is your recommendation? a? b? both?

a) for each new file added by a patch add a copyright entry as if the
file was part of the upstream tarball.

b) add copyright entries only for the patches debian/patches/patch.diff
that introduces a new file.

I guess option a is easy, is enough with option a?


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