Arnaud Patard (Rtp) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've just got this bug too. The problem is caused by this line : 
> etex -ini  -jobname=jadetex -progname=jadetex &latex jadetex.ini

No, at least not in the original bug report:  On Piem's system, there
was an old conffile for jadetex which tried to use the tex executable to
create the jadetex format, but this failed because it must load the
latex.fmt which was created by pdfetex instead of Knuth's tex.

> [ iirc, this line comes from the parsing of the
> /etc/texmf/fmt.d/40jadetex.cnf. ]

Well, rather from parsing /var/lib/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf which is
generated from the files in /etc/texmf/fmt.d/.

> This line is interpreted by the shell as the following two lines :
> $ etex -ini  -jobname=jadetex -progname=jadetex & 
> $ latex jadetex.ini

This is wrong, because the string "&latex jadetex.ini" is saved in the
variable texargs, and later the executable is called with $texargs als
the last argument.  You can easily check that it works:

$ myarg="&goodbye"
$ echo hallo &goodbye
[3] 9984
bash: goodbye: command not found
[3]   Done                    echo hallo
$ echo hallo $myarg
hallo &goodbye

> imho, fmtutil/fmtutils-sys should be fixed to handle correctly this
> separator. Unfortunately, I don't know how to fix this.

...because is already works

Regards, Frank

Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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