
in case of revision "0" (as in 20031119-0), the dsc file etc. isn't
constructed correctly: "0" is considered being non-existent revision, so
pyca_20031119.dsc isn't found.

Consider the attached patch.


--- ./lib/Sbuild/Build.pm.orig	2012-11-23 23:53:15.334104050 +0100
+++ ./lib/Sbuild/Build.pm	2012-11-23 23:54:04.398105364 +0100
@@ -177,16 +177,14 @@
     my ($pkg, $version) = split /_/, $pkgv;
     my $pver = Dpkg::Version->new($version, check => 1);
     return if (!defined($pkg) || !defined($version) || !defined($pver));
-    my ($o_version, $o_revision);
+    my ($o_version);
     $o_version = $pver->version();
-    $o_revision = $pver->revision();
-    $o_revision = "" if $pver->{'no_revision'};
     # Original version (no binNMU or other addition)
     my $oversion = $version;
     # Original version with stripped epoch
     my $osversion = $o_version;
-    $osversion .= '-' . $o_revision if $o_revision;
+    $osversion .= '-' . $pver->revision() unless $pver->{'no_revision'};
     # Add binNMU to version if needed.
     if ($self->get_conf('BIN_NMU') || $self->get_conf('APPEND_TO_VERSION')) {

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