Thorsten Glaser píše v Ne 13. 01. 2013 v 21:37 +0000:
> >Could you show me the source code of nfimvirt, please? Seems like it
> I attached it.


> >passed in an invalid pointer. You do know it needs to pass in physical
> >(not MMU mapped) addresses, right?
> The specs specifically say the contrary: they must be in virtual
> addresses, but still in physical memory:

specs is probably incorrect :-/ Where did you get the following quotes

> “On emulators implementing MMU and where physical addresses differ from
> logical addresses, the memory that will be accessed by native features
> uses the logical addresses (that is, exactly the same memory than that
> seen by the CPU).”
> However: “All 68k memory accessed during the execution of a native
> function, either directly (the stack), or indirectly (following
> pointers) must reside in physical memory before the native function is
> called.” – I added a call to mlock() before the NatFeat calls to ensure
> that.
> Nevertheless, a user-space application absolutely MUST NOT crash the
> emulator. Throw a SIGBUS if you must.

I agree. Thus I have just fixed it (fix available in ARAnyM CVS, file

> @Debian: I suggest we tag this wheezy-ignore, because ⓐ it’s not a
> regression, ⓑ the impact is low, and ⓒ some MIPS machines have (had?)
> similar issues, so we have precedent.

I suppose the maintainer could grab the patch from CVS and apply it to
ARAnyM in wheezy? Or I may prepare a 0.9.15 release of ARAnyM...


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