Am 31.03.2014 15:50, schrieb Norbert Preining:
> Hi Michael,
> On Mon, 31 Mar 2014, Michael Biebl wrote:
>> There is already a bug report for that, so cloning it wouldn't have been
>> necessary.
> Ah, ok, sorry. Close it or merge it.
> .
>> What "nmcli nm sleep false" does is to wake it up "by hand".
> Ok, will try it.
>> There is a connection, yes.
>> I can go into more detail, if you are interested (not sure, since you
>> said you don't care).
> Ah, fine with me. If you know what it is and can fix it, that is
> fine with me.

I think the way to address is, is to make systemd-logind not send out
the "Suspending" D-Bus signal when there is no way the suspend request
will be processed.

My immediate idea was to stick a sd_booted() check into logind, but
unfortunately it's not quite as simple. With systemd-shim around, such a
suspend request can actually work for PID 1 != systemd as it would be
handled by the systemd-shim process (which is D-Bus activated on-demand).

So we probably need a different approach, like logind doing a D-Bus Ping
to the org.freedesktop.systemd1 interface to see if there would be
process handling the suspend/hibernate request.



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universe are pointed away from Earth?

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