Control: tags 742626 - moreinfo
Control: severity -1 serious
Control: merge 718624 742626

On 03.04.2014 18:20, Antoine wrote:
> In that case, I think bug #718624 gravity should be set to grave, as it
> breaks the installation of the package through DPKG.

I agree that this is a release critical issue thus the severity should
be serious since the default init system for Jessie will be systemd.
transmission-daemon is currently not completely unusable hence I think
"grave" would be a little too high but these are subtleties.

> I'm going to rebuild the package with an init file modified as suggested
> in the comments of the bug you linked, just to be sure we're not seeing
> two different bugs here.

I suppose you meant service file here. It shouldn't be necessary to
rebuild the package. You can just edit


and try out different settings. It would be great if you confirmed that
the solutions mentioned in #718624 worked for you.

>> Can you confirm that the segfaults do not happen when you run 
>> transmission-daemon
>> without systemd but simply with the provided sysv-rc init scripts?
> No segfault with sysV, I checked carefully ;)

Ok, thanks for your confirmation. I believe the way forward is to
implement Adrei Popescu's proposal.

I suggest we continue the discussion in #718624.



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