Am 21.09.2014 um 23:28 schrieb David L. Craig:
> On 14Sep21:2011+0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
>> What were the exact error messages you got?
>> Please provide the dpkg log and the output from journalctl -alb
> dpkg.log, kern.log, apt/term.log, and apt/history.log compressed
> files are hopefully attached.  It's hard to run journalctl when
> it's not installed.
>> When in single user mode, did you also try to run "dpkg --configure -a"
>> or apt-get -f install to fix the broken package state?
> No.
>> If this is a virtual machine, do you have snapshot from before the
>> upgrade and if so, can you reproduce the problem?
> No, but, as the report mentioned, the vm failure was
> preceded by a similar result doing the daily update
> of the main non-vm Sid instance on the box, which is
> why I reproduced it using reproducible and minimal
> inputs.  Are you too resource-challenged to run it
> yourselves?

No, I've done dozens of test-upgrades on bare metal and VMs (vbox,
vmware) and haven't run into this.
So we either need someone who can reproduce the problem or exact steps
how to reproduce it.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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