Control: severity -1 normal


On 05.10.2014 17:30, Rogier wrote:

>> The freeciv-qt binary is not built on my system.
> One difference would be, that the clean cowbuilder chroot will not have 
> any qt development files installed, as they are not essential for 
> building anything at all, nor a build-dependency of freeciv, so there 
> will be no way the freeciv-qt binary *can* be built, even if there 
> were a strong urge to build it if possible...

That's an important piece of information here. So you are not building
in a clean chroot environment.

> It seems that currently, all clients are being requested:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> dh_auto_configure -- \
>         --cache-file=/tmp/freeciv/freeciv-2.4.3/config.cache \
>         --sysconfdir=/etc \
>         --prefix=/usr \
>         --datadir=\${prefix}/share/games \
>         --bindir=\${prefix}/games \
>         --enable-debug=no \
>         --enable-client=all \         <============
>         --with-ggz-server=no \
>         --with-ggz-client=no \
>         --enable-ipv6=yes \
>         --enable-sys-lua \
>         --disable-silent-rules
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Which presumably includes (would include) the qt client.
> Apparently, the configure step does not fail if the qt client is 
> requested, and the qt headers etc. were not found...

It is true that we pass --enable-client=all to the build system but
since we are not build-depending on any qt-libs which are necessary to
build freeciv-qt the build will not fail on the buildd server. I see
that this can lead to some confusion when people are not building in a
clean environment. I will instead pass


to the configure step explicitly. I hope that helps.



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