Control: severity -1 important

@Chris: Are you okay if I downgrade this? With severity grave it will be a candidate for removal. I understand the data loss situation during upgrades, but for users deploying it fresh, it is a non-issue.

Please reset to grave if you disagree. My intent is to have LIO target for Jessie, available.

On Sunday 05 October 2014 02:00 PM, Jerome Martin wrote:

On 10/05/2014 09:37 AM, Ritesh Raj Sarraf wrote:
Thanks for the bug report.

Jerome: How can we ensure to have the old 2.x settings / targets in 3.x ?

Manually, this is easy.
But to automate package upgrade is bit of a brain-twister.
I haven't found yet a good way to do it.

Basically, the config format is completely different, so we need to start the new initscript and save the config (in the new version) while the target is running. But removing the previous package actually stops it...

Is this "save" functionality available and ready to test, in the new 3.x series that in now in the archive ? Sorry, I ask this because I don't have the resources to test these myself.

If that functionality is in, then yes, we could fix it the way you and Chris have proposed.

Ritesh Raj Sarraf
"Necessity is the mother of invention."

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