Thanks, that sounds like exactly the right debian/control dependency
magic.  Will do, and upload.

> BTW, why are ettercap-graphical and ettercap-textonly not
> co-installable?  Sounds like a candidate for renaming the binaries
> from ettercap to ettercap-foo and using alternatives to provide the
> ettercap binary.  But that should not be considered now, only after
> the jessie release for jessie+1.

Reasonable question.

The reason is that the graphical binary provides the functionality of
the textual binary *plus* a GUI-enabled option.  There are no
circumstances in which installing both at the same time makes sense.

The main reason for generating the non-graphical is for boxes without X
etc installed, which is actually a pretty common use case for ettercap.

That said, I wouldn't particularly object to using alternatives to allow
co-installation just in case.  Although I'd be inclined to provide the
functionality by instead using dpkg-divert in ettercap-graphical to move
the text-only version of /usr/bin/ettercap to
/usr/bin/ettercap-text-only, thus avoiding unnecessarily increasing the
footprint of ettercap-text-only.


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