Bernhard Übelacker <> writes:

> Hello Philip,
> probably your case is more an example for the problem described in bugs
> #770130 and #776911.
> When you rebuilt your mesa packages did you apply the patch mentioned in
> message 15? And was package llvm-3.4-dev installed? If not, I would
> assume that your rebuilt packages are also using llvm-3.5.

As I said, only the 3.4 versions of the llvm packages were installed, so
I'm certain that I did not use the 3.5 version.

That being the case, yes I did use the patch (well, I applied the same
trivial edits) since otherwise the Build-Deps would have insisted on 3.5

If you're pointing at the other bugs because you think they might
contain a fix for my problem, well the simplest fix for me is to avoid

I only posted to the bug because I saw no mention of the fact that one
can get things working by avoiding gdm3 in any of these bugs, which
seemed like it might be relevant.  The fact that llvm-3.4 didn't help me
is just an extra detail really.

If anyone would like me to run any extra tests, feel free to ask.

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands  [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]  HANDS.COM Ltd.
|(|  Hugo-Klemm-Strasse 34,   21075 Hamburg,    GERMANY

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