On Sat, 22 Aug 2015 00:19:43 +0200 Markus Koschany <a...@gambaru.de> wrote:
> I have pushed two commits. The first one implements the minimum
> requirements to compile openjfx with gradle 2.5. Unfortunately I haven't
> found a way to compile with WEBKIT yet. When I set COMPILE_WEBKIT =
> false in debian/gradle.properties, building from source works again.
> The question is: Can we temporarily disable the WEBKIT feature and build
> without it for a while until upstream catches up with gradle? (They
> already have a patch for 2.x but that doesn't seem to work with WEBKIT)


Shall I proceed with this temporary solution? The only r-dep of openjfx
is netbeans which does not use openjfx at runtime so far. Someone
interested in sponsoring this?



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