On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 08:44:07PM +0200, Agustin Martin wrote:
> > holding us on just blinding stop providing myspell dictionaries (read it
> > as: dictionaries in the myspell directory?
> There should be no dictionaries in the myspell directory, using or not
> advanced hunspell-only features, all should go in the hunspell directory.


> > Also, most of the myspell-* packages I saw where shipping files in the
> > hunspell directory, and the others were just symlink them to the myspell
> > dir.
> Those are buggy, using /usr/share/myspell is deprecated since years ago.
> hunspell still looks there also, but that location is more than obsolete.


> > What I'm silently trying to do this release cicle is to smooth the way
> > to remove all myspell-* packages duing buster, at least for those that
> > are de-facto unmaintained, aka the most of them.
> We are mixing two things, dictionaries that come from old myspell or early
> hunspell (which are also fine to be used for aspell), using a subset of
> hunspell features and dictionaries using advanced hunspell-only features.
> Both can be used by hunspell, just that first ones were named myspell-* 
> (or hunspell-* if packaged recently) and the second ones must be named
> hunspell-*.

The problem is to find out who did what because _of course_ that is rarely
(if never) documented :/

I am so sure that we have myspell-* packages actually using hunspell features
and that they needed a rename.



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