Hi Jörg,

On Fri, 06 Nov 2015, Jörg Frings-Fürst wrote:
> first thanks for your bug report.
> Do you have some more informations as error messages or so?

Nothing on the terminal. In the logs I see this:
nov. 06 14:40:48 x230-buxy simple-scan[7392]: sane_hpaio_cancel: already 

But I'm not sure if it happens right at the start of scan try or only after
the error message has been displayed/validated. I get a an error message but it 
in french and I don't remember it offhand.

I can check later but not this evening (remind me if I forget).

If there's a way to enable more extensive debug information, let me know
and I can try. That said since the git snapshot in experimental seems to
work, I wonder if it's worth investing lots of time on this issue.

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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