Am 11.12.2015 um 22:49 schrieb Miguel Landaeta:
> Hi Markus,
> On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 09:23:42PM +0100, Markus Koschany wrote:
>> we can always consider to fix red5 with a NMU. We just should raise the
>> severity accordingly before we do that.
> Sure, that's a valid option. An NMU to DELAYED/7 or something is OK
> with me.

I suggest to raise the severity of red5 to serious as soon as we have
fixed libspring-java and it remains the only package left. Then we
should give the maintainer at least ten days to fix the issue (according
to the NMU guide lines) and after that it is fire at will.

>> I hope I can lend you a hand with an update of libspring-java after I
>> have packaged the latest netbeans release. Perhaps you can write a short
>> TODO list and push it to the libspring-java repo, which upstream should
>> be packaged, if we have to package new dependencies and where you need
>> help.
> OK, unfortunately I don't have too much time lately but I think I can
> review latest Spring upstream releases to document if/which new
> dependencies are needed and push that to the repo.

No problem. I just read Emmanuel's comment. If you need some help with
the packaging, just ping me. Like I said I intend to work on Netbeans,
maven-repo-helper (#805228) and Eclipse in the near future but there is
hopefully always some time to package a new dependency. :E


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