found 809658 0.8.5
notfound 809658 0.8.4
severity 809658 normal

On Sat, Jan 02, 2016 at 08:25:56AM -0500, Cindy Sue Causey wrote:

> Hi.. First, thank you all for the work you do!
> Next: I ran my usual "apt-get update" today. Found ifupdown needing upgraded 
> in Sid Unstable along with ~20+ other packages. When the upgrade process 
> began, I received an apt-get advisement that 48 packages were going to be 
> removed.
> Being familiar with this occurrence at this point, I manually installed 
> packages one by one and determined ifupdown to be the package performing the 
> removals. The following (extensive) output is what I receive when attempting 
> to install ifupdown by itself:

Some files are being moved from the systemd and udev packages to the
ifupdown package. As part of that, the ifupdown package declares that it
breaks with older versions of systemd and udev. Normally that should
cause apt to defer updating ifupdown until systemd and udev packages are
available with the right version, but in this case it thinks it can also
solve the dependencies by kicking out udev and systemd and installing

There is nothing wrong with ifupdown itself, neither with apt or
anything else. This is normal and will be resolved once new versions of
systemd and udev are uploaded. This is also in no way critical, since
nothing is actually broken on your system. I'll keep the bug open in any
case until the the transition is complete.

> My latest practice under these circumstances is to set the affecting package 
> to the side and wait for developers' newer release of the same.

That's the correct practice :) You are running the unstable
distribution, so unfortunately this kind of issue will pop up once in a
while, but it is normal. If you want to avoid this problem, run can run
testing instead.

> Thank you again for all your work!

You're welcome :)

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
      Guus Sliepen <>

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