Hi Carsten,

 Le 14 avril vers 16:28, Carsten Schoenert écrivait:
> > anyway, here is the bt:
> > [SNIP]
> your posted gdb log doesn't contain a useful backtrace, it's only a log
> of the thread 1.

OK, fine
sorry for not getting the proper feedback

what would have been the right way to give a comprehensive backtrace?

is "thread apply all bt" would have been fine?

> At the Debian Groupware Meeting on the last weekend we tried to debug
> the problem a little bit. It's more or less a Icedove bug that provoke a
> segfault while setting up the proxy settings. The relevant part look
> like this in a gdb session:
> [...]
> The problem is the getter function getter_AddRefs(). This function is
> untouched since ages. Some basic description on how to use this stuff can be
> found on the Mozille Developer Reference.
> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Tech/XPCOM/Using_nsCOMPtr/Reference_Manual

well, that is great you could pinpoint the relevant buggy part

> > BTW, anyone with a valid pop/imap account can reproduce this bug
> > 
> > one would just need to install the xul-ext-foxyproxy-standard package,
> > launch icedove with a blank config directory, setup an account and
> > witness the crash/segfaults
> Yes, "you just need ..."
> Pleas understand that we can't just test and use every plugin that is
> available.

yes, I'm really sorry if I sounded a bit grumpy
my bad!

> And the foxyproxy plugin is one of the more complicated
> plugins as the settings you can make a numerous.

I know, what I really wanted to say is that there is no need to have a
complex foxyproxy setup to reproduce the bug (just a plain installation
of this add-on plus a blank icedove/thunderbird setup and one can make
it crash)

but I also understand that such a bug is best tested by the person who
is familiar with the module

> So we are depending on your investigation as much as possible. So as
> Christoph has tested the regular Thunderbird release and the issue is
> happen there too someone would need to create a upstream bug. This is
> done best by a person that is knowing the foxyproxy thing better. Would
> you create such a report and provide the URL of this?

could this be the bug you're looking for:

        Cyril Chaboisseau

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