Hi I'm the maintainer of unetbootin, I just stumbled upon this bug report,
sorry you have been having issues. The underlying issue appears to be that
some of Debian's ISO files violate the Joilet standard - the standard does
not permit filenames exceeding 64 characters in length, as you can see at
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joliet_(file_system) . Hence any tool for
processing ISO files which follows the Joilet standard, like 7-zip (which
is used by unetbootin), will have undefined behavior when dealing with such
files (in the case of 7-zip it truncates the filenames to 64 characters).
The upstream report for 7-zip is at
https://sourceforge.net/p/sevenzip/bugs/1055/ but unetbootin is not the
only tool dealing with ISO files that relies on 7-zip (or other tools that
expect Joilet-compliant ISO files), so a solution might be to just respect
the 64-character limit for filenames in ISO files.

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