On 10/21/2016 11:43 AM, Eric Valette wrote:
On 10/21/2016 11:40 AM, Konstantin Demin wrote:
I disagree: you fix debian code but upstream kernel is also affected.
I wanted to compile the upstream 4.4.26 for the COW fixe and cannot.
Please revert.

$ rmadison linux
linux      | 4.5.5-1                  | unstable                | source
linux      | 4.5.5-1                  | unstable-debug          | source
linux      | 4.6.4-1                  | unstable                | source
linux      | 4.6.4-1                  | unstable-debug          | source
linux      | 4.7.5-1~bpo8+2           | jessie-backports        | source
linux      | 4.7.5-1                  | unstable                | source
linux      | 4.7.6-1                  | testing                 | source
linux      | 4.7.8-1~bpo8+1           | buildd-jessie-backports | source
linux      | 4.7.8-1~bpo8+1           | jessie-backports        | source
linux      | 4.7.8-1                  | buildd-unstable         | source
linux      | 4.7.8-1                  | unstable                | source
linux      | 4.7.8-1                  | unstable-debug          | source

You should be noted that building kernel from vanilla source isn't
good idea in Debian.

Except I have been doing this for nearly 10 years...

I don't see any 4.4 branch in Debian sources, but you may use git tag
"debian/4.4.6-1" as base for your own work/fork.

I'm not using debian kernel nor want to use them. I want a compiler able to compile upstream code without modifications.

And I want LTS kernel to get fixes as soon as they appear without being forced to move to non LTS versions.

-- eric

And BTW, I just checked linux linux git today and the code is not there so gcc does not compile upstream kernel. Period. So the new ciomplier breaks upstream compilation using valid compilation flags.

-- eric

Eric Valette
Orange Lab Product and Services
Homebox Etudes Architecture et Développement 
Architecte Livebox et Set Top Box
tél : (+33) 2 99 12 45 71
mél : <mailto:eric2.vale...@orange.com>

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