Il giorno lun, 24/10/2016 alle 09.31 +0200, IOhannes m zmölnig ha
> [...]
> is it possible to try the ardour5 binary provided by upstream [1] and
> see whether the problem persists?

I just did (with the "Free/Demo" version), and it works perfectly (with
the same session/jack configuration).

However, experimenting a bit more... the packaged ardour5 works too.
But if I downgrade to 4.7, it will now segfault :-)

So I understood what's going on (but now why): if you install the
package for version 4 or 5, it will work. But if you upgrade/downgrade
from a version 4 to 5 or vice-versa, the folder in /usr/share (e.g.
/usr/share/ardour4) will keep its name, with the result that the new
version will not find the required files. For instance, I now have a
version 4.7 installed with a /usr/share/ardour5 folder (not appearing
in the output of "dpkg -L ardour", by the way).

Uninstalling and reinstalling the desired version "fixes" the issue.


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