
On 02/11/2016 03:22, Ximin Luo wrote:
> let emit_load_symbol_addr dst s = if !Clflags.pic_code then begin [..] end
> else if !arch > ARMv6 && not !Clflags.dlcode && !fastcode_flag then begin `
> movw  {emit_reg dst}, #:lower16:{emit_symbol s}\n`; ` movt    {emit_reg dst},
> #:upper16:{emit_symbol s}\n`; 2
> Note that !arch in ocaml means "get the current value of the mutable
> reference 'arch'".
> It looks like they already wrote the working code, it's just not being
> emitted here. So I just need to figure out how to make Cflags.pic_code true,
> which shouldn't be too hard. I will try this tomorrow when I'm less tired.

I've tried a rebuild on harris with pic_code set to true for arm. The build
succeeded and all tests passed fine. Do you want to run more tests or should
I upload this change?



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