On 11/9/16, 1:13 PM, "Pkg-shibboleth-devel on behalf of Ferenc Wágner" 
<pkg-shibboleth-devel-bounces+cantor.2=osu....@lists.alioth.debian.org on 
behalf of wf...@niif.hu> wrote:

>    wf...@niif.hu (Ferenc Wágner) writes:
>   > Can you recommend a reliable way to decide whether there really are any
>    > conflicts between the different OpenSSL libraries used by libcurl and
>    > xmltooling?

I didn't see this earlier, but certainly it's impossible to mix libraries like 
that, full stop. That's never possible, whether there's any explicit data 
structure overlap or not. It would be like mixing C/C++ runtime versions.

-- Scott

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