Am Mittwoch, 30. November 2016, 21:34:22 CET schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
> Am Mittwoch, 30. November 2016, 21:28:20 CET schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
> > Explaination: Pinned manually
> > Explaination:   #845785: chromium crashes on certain websites
> > Package: chromium
> > Pin: version *
> > Pin-Priority: -30000
> Of course that requires that you first downgrade the version to the one from
> testing.

And it doesn´t work together with apt-listbugs as it will remove it due to 
severity normal again¹.

So you are better off with:

merkaba:/etc/apt> cat preferences.d/chromium 
Explaination: Pinned manually
Explaination:   #845785: chromium crashes on certain websites
Package: chromium
Pin: version 53.0.2785.143-1
Pin-Priority: 1000


Sorry for apt-listbug related noise.


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