CVE-2016-9300, CVE-2016-9301, and CVE-2016-9302 are *NOT* valid bug reports.

Here’s the deal: The reporter had to patch MaraDNS before he was able
to crash her.

The patch, however, treats MaraDNS’ special buffer-overflow-resistant
“js_string” as if it were an ordinary string — but it’s not. Here’s
the offending code patched in to MaraDNS from the reporter’s “bug

sock_num = read(0, incoming, 512);

As per the man page for read:

ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count);

       read()  attempts to read up to count bytes from file descriptor fd into
       the buffer starting at buf.

However, incoming is not a raw string buffer: It’s a special js_string
object which MaraDNS uses to be buffer overflow resistant, as can be
seen here in server/MaraDNS.c:

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    js_string *mararc_loc = 0, *errors = 0,
              *bind_address = 0, *ipv6_bind_address = 0,
              *csv2_synthip_address = 0,
              *ipv4_bind_address = 0, *incoming = 0,
              *uncomp = 0, *verbstr = 0;

The js_string structure (I guess I would call it an object here in
2016) is defined in libs/JsStr.h:

typedef struct {
    unsigned char *string;   /* Actual physical string */
    unsigned int unit_size;  /* The size of a single character in the string */
    unsigned int unit_count; /* The length of the string, in units */
    unsigned int max_count;  /* The maximum allowable size of the string,
                               also in units */
    int encoding;   /* The type of language/encoding the string is in */
    int is_good;    /* This is checked to make sure the data structure is
                       sane */
    } js_string;

Point being, if we patch MaraDNS to treat this structure as a raw
buffer instead of a structure, we will be able to crash MaraDNS — but
that doesn’t mean we have found a UDP packet of death which will crash
unpatched MaraDNS 2.0.13.

I appreciate that people are performing security research with
MaraDNS, and the fact that researchers need to resort to patching
MaraDNS before crashing her indicates that, a decade and a half later
MaraDNS is still a usable DNS server with a strong security record.

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