On 2016-11-26 16:18:44 [+0100], gregor herrmann wrote:
> I also mentioned your patch in the upstream bug:
> https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=117481
> which contains a different patch from Petr Písař.
> No reaction there from either Petr or the upstream authors.
> I just pinged the ticket again.

I just checked. Upstream playes dead.

> If we can't get an upstream reaction (which seems probable), maybe
> Petr and Sebastian can at least cross-check their patches and come up
> with a common one?

Gregor, is there anything you want me to do? The difference is mostly
that I tried to keep the "ifdef openssl version" check in one spot and
got rid of RSA_generate_key() (which is deprecated).

> Cheers,
> gregor


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