Control: tags -1 pending

On 22.12.2016 13:02, Peter Pentchev wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 11:30:30AM +0000, Sean Whitton wrote:
>> Dear Peter,
>> On Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 08:37:35AM +0200, Peter Pentchev wrote:
>>> Oh, and, of course, if people feel that a collab-maint commit does not
>>> really count as a team upload (but isn't this the purpose of collab-maint?),
>>> I can send another debdiff, formatted as a real NMU, and then commit that.
>> A team upload is when you are a member of a team that is in the
>> Maintainer: field for a package.  There is no team in libtorrent's
>> Maintainer: field.  So this cannot be a team upload.
> Well, yeah, I know that, but I figured that collab-maint might be a bit
> different; I guess my impression was a bit wrong :)  I guess we need
> a "please feel free to commit and upload anything reasonable" flag...
> but let's not rehash the latest d-project discussion again :)

An NMU is in order in this case because you are neither listed as
maintainer nor uploader for libtorrent. It is just a convention.
collab-maint makes it easier for Debian contributors to commit changes
but it is still polite and appropriate to inform people about it.

>> It would be great if you could prepare a debdiff for a standard NMU.
> Debdiff attached; Markus, take your pick between this one and the last one.

Thanks Peter. I will take this one because it only fixes the OpenSSL
issue. By the way the package should be fine anyway since it is still
available in testing and won't be removed before the 5th of January. In
any case I'm going to upload the NMU now.



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