
On Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 11:10:33AM -0800, Tianon Gravi wrote:
> On 22 December 2016 at 11:05, Antonio Terceiro <terce...@debian.org> wrote:
> > We are very close to a point where docker will not be part of stretch.
> > Is there any chance this gets fixed before that?
> If someone were to come up with a patch which fixes this, I'd be happy
> to test it, but I can't guarantee anything before stretch, and don't
> have the bandwidth to create said patch myself ATM.

I briefly looked at building docker.io and ran into a few issues:

 - missing 'go-events', seems like there's a missing dependency in
   golang-github-docker-libnetwork-dev -> golang-github-docker-go-events-dev

 - still can't find go-events, I worked around it by:
ln -s /usr/share/gocode/src/github.com/docker/go-events/ 

 - now onto the build issues already reported in this bug report starting
execConfig.Container undefined (type *types.ExecConfig has no field or method 

  This is likely fixed by upstream commit

  That commit does not apply cleanly on the debian packaged version.

At this point I'm starting to wonder if it's worth backporting stuff
to support new APIs.... maybe it's better to focus on packaging
the "new" upstream docker 1.12.x releases instead?
Does anyone know about any blocking issues for packaging 1.12.x?

Taking it one step further... I was feeling it was a bit sad we won't
see docker packages in Debian Stretch. OTOH we're obviously not doing
a very good job at packaging docker in Debian, so maybe it's better
to just rely on upstream... they're AIUI providing Debian packages
for all Ubuntu and Debian releases. Maybe we should just RM
docker.io from Debian?
That would mean we can't provide any packages of tools that depends
on docker in main though. :/


Andreas Henriksson

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