Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote...

> CVE-2016-10081[0]:
> | /usr/bin/shutter in Shutter through 0.93.1 allows user-assisted remote
> | attackers to execute arbitrary commands via a crafted image name that
> | is mishandled during a "Run a plugin" action.

*sigh* Single-argument usage of system/exec through the shell (...)</rant>

The patch attached uses the multi-argument invocation and also changes
it in the code path for non-Perl plugins. I wasn't able to exploit the
latter since it requires a file name without an extension (more
precisely: without a dot) that shutter still is willing to open. So a
file named (*in*cluding the quotes)

    ' ; xeyes ; '

on the offset plugin should do the trick but shutter didn't get that
far. But that's no excuse for keeping it this way.

Still requires more testing.


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