On 10/01/17 23:49, Christian Hofstaedtler wrote:
> Hi,
> * Daniel Pocock <dan...@pocock.pro> [170106 11:06]:
>>> Is anyone able to reproduce the issue on current Debian testing?
>> How long does it take for your apcupsd daemon to shutdown?
>> My UPS uses SNMP signalling, I wonder if that makes the daemon shut
>> down more slowly.
> Likely.
> I can't test this (my UPS is broken and it'd be a serial one
> anyway), but here are some test packages with a systemd service
> file:
> https://people.debian.org/~zeha/apcupsd/
> Please report back if those work for you and if the restart issue
> is fixed.
> Note that successful testing also needs to include a powerfail test
> really.

I installed that and tested with this loop:

systemctl start apcupsd && while ps -C apcupsd ; do systemctl stop
apcupsd ; sleep 0 ; systemctl start apcupsd ; ps -C apcupsd || echo
FAILED ; done

For about 3 minutes, it appears to restart correctly every time.

I haven't done a full powerfail test so far.



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